Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Range graded proportional circle map

Range graded proportional circle maps show data on a map by using circles in relation to the ranges of data. The larger circles represent larger data and the smaller circles represent smaller data. This map shows the population of Filipinos in the United States. According to the map, Texas has the largest circle which means that Texas has the largest population of Filipinos.

Index Value Plot

Index value plots is a way of showing relativity of values to an indexed plot. This index plot shows the relativity of the wavelength values.

Monday, March 29, 2010


DLG stands for digital line graphs and they show spatial data in vector format, which is shown in points, lines, and polygons. This map shows the roads in a red line, the rivers and lakes in polygon-like figures, and the vegetation in green polygon-like figures.


DOQQ stands for digital orthoquarter quads. It is a map produced by georectified raster images developed from aerial photos. DOQQ’s can be shown as false color-infrared photos or in true color. The map I've decided to use as an example is a false color infrared.


DRG, which stands for digital raster graphic and is a scanned image of a U.S. Geological Survey topographic map. In these maps, raster is how the map is represented as you can notice the grid-like squares.


DEM stand for digital elevation model and it is a digital representation of ground surface or terrain. There are most commonly used to show relief in geographic information systems. Most of the time, like in this map, DEM's are shown as a raster, which is a grid of squares.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Parallel Coordinate Plot

In a parallel coordinate plot, each variable is mapped on a vertical line. A data element is plotted as a connected set of points, which is shown here by a red line. This particular graph shows the relationship between calories, fiber, carbohydrates, sugars, potassium, and vitamins.

Wind Rose

A wind rose is a circular plot that shows the frequencies of different wind directions. In this wind rose, it is apparent that the wind blew in the western direction the least and blew the most towards the east at 13%.

Star Plot*%26tbs%3Disch:1

Star plots allow you to compare multiple variables for each observation. The radii represent different characteristics. Furthermore, star plots allow for easy visualization of multiple variables. This star plot creates a visual of 6 different variables: time, mass, actuator saturation, collision, accuracy, and trajectory.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Scatter plot*%26tbs%3Disch:1

A scatter plot shows the relationship between two variables by displaying data points on a graph. The explanatory variable is usually plotted on the x-axis while the response variable is plotted on the y-axis. This specific scatter plot displays the relationship between height and weight. It is a positive relationship because as x increases, so does y. Also, it is a rather strong relationship because the data points remain in close proximity to one another on the line.

Accumulation Plot/Lorenz Curve*%26tbs%3Disch:1

An accumulation plot, or Lorenz curve, is a graphical representation of the cumulative distribution, usually of wealth. In this curve, the red line represents what the percentage of wealth would be if it were distributed evenly and the blue line represent how the wealth is actually distributed.

Bilateral Graph

Bilateral graphs are a type of geovisualization maps that compare two variables. On this map, the percentage of assets between 2003 and 2009 is being graphed. The overlapped area on the right displays the an increase in loans while the overlapped area on the left displays a decrease of loans.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Isobaric Map

Isobaric maps display air pressure. In this map you can use the scale at the bottom to determine that the highest air pressure is on the northwest side from Alaska through California and on through Mexico.

Bathymetric Map*%26ndsp%3D18%26tbs%3Disch:1

Bathymetric maps display seafloor elevation. In this map you can see the rise and fall of the ocean floor due to the textured contour lines and elevated lines.

Isohyet Map*%26tbs%3Disch:1

Isohyet maps are illustrations of rainfall. This map depicts the amount of rainfall by using the scale on the left. Each color symbollizes a certain measurement. The most rainfall seems to be in the blue areas on the top left corner and center of the map.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Isotach Map

Isotach maps display the wind speed in a certain area the viewer is interested in. The closer the lines are together, the stronger the winds. This specific isotach map is illustrating the windspeed forecast and it appears that the winds are stronger towards the north.

Isopach Map

Isopach maps display rock and sedimentary thickness. This specific isopach map is illustrating the sedimentary thickness of the volcano Colima. The peak of the volcano has the thickest rock equaling 5mm or more, and the thickness of the rocks tend to decrease the further away from the peak.

Hypsometric Map

Hypsometric maps are surface maps that display relief and communicate information three dimensionally. The third dimension can be displayed by use of color and shaping, coutour lines, or raised relief. This map of the earth displays the third dimension and elevation by use of color, shaping, and texture.

Planimetric Map

Planimetric maps are surface maps that show no relief features. They are strictly two-dimensional and do not display information 3-D contrast. This is a planimetric map that illustrates the Yukon and as you can tell it is 2-D surface and there are no three dimensional features.

Unclassfied Choropleth Map*%26tbs%3Disch:1

Unclassified choropleth maps use the technique of assigning color shadings in proportion to the data values. Many cartographers dislike these types of maps because they are unable to classify the information and they feel as if they're losing the ability to communicate the message to the viewer. This map shows the number of internet users in the eastern hemisphere. The colors are assigned to dictate number.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Unstandardized Choropleth Map*%26tbs%3Disch:1

Unstandardized Choropleth maps display information without areally averaging the data in any way. This specific map displays a prediction of the 2008 Presidential Election. Blue represents the democrats and red represents the republicans. The information is not averaged by percentage nor by density per square mile.

Standardized Choropleth Map*%26tbs%3Disch:1

A standardized choropleth map is an areally averaged map. Cartographers usually display information by percentages or by density per square mile, which is shown here. This is the United States Population displayed by square mile.

Univariate Choropleth Map*%26ndsp%3D18%26tbs%3Disch:1

A univariate chloropleth map displays only one variable on a single map. In this specific case, this map displays one variable, poverty rates in the United States. The darker colors represent the higher percentages and it appears that the south as more individuals living in poverty.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Infrared Aerial Photo*%26tbs%3Disch:1

Infrared aerial photography is able to show wavelengths that fall outside the range of human vision. IR film is commonly used to produce color-infrared photos since we can't see the wavelengths recorded on infrared film. Furthermore, this infrared aerial photo illustrates a picture of a forest taken from above. The red color in the picture represents the shapes and forms of the trees that we wouldn't normally be able to see.

Black and White Aerial Photo

Aerial photos are another type of remote sensing. Aerial photography is a type of photography in which you take pictures of the ground from an elevated position. Black and white emulsion is sensitive to approximately the same wavelengths as the human eye and therefore, false color isn't necessary since we can already see the wavelengths recorded. This black and aerial photo illustrates Cassat Ave in Jacksonville, Florida (my hometown) which is a suburb, as you can see the houses, trees, roads, and neighborhoods from above.

Lidar Remote Sensing*%26tbs%3Disch:1

Lidar remote sensing uses a laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) instead of radio or microwave radiation. A lidar sensor is associated with the highest features in the landscape. In this specific map's case, the highest feature is the tops of buildings. Lidar is used used to generate elevation maps and identify other landscape characteristics.

PLSS Map*%26tbs%3Disch:1

A PLSS map, which stands for Public Land Survey System, is a type of map that facilitates ownership. It is a way to subdivide and describe land in the United States systematically and fairly. The original PLSS surveys were often marked by wooden stakes or posts, marked trees, pits, or piles of rock, or other less-permanent markers, and therefore were not systematic. A PLSS map begins at an initial point and the north-south line that passes through it is called the prime meridian and the east-west line that passes through it is called the base line.

Doppler Radar*%26tbs%3Disch:1

This doppler radar of South Florida uses a transmitter to emit either radio or microwave radiation and a directional antenna to receive and measure the time of arrival of reflected pulses from distant objects. This radar image illustrates a hurricane that is on top of the South Florida area in 2004.